"Deer are thought to be very intuitive. Researchers think that Deer may sense magnetic fields and will often align their bodies and move when startled along a north-south axis, it is thought they do this to ensure they move as a group for protection."
Exploratory testing is a type of testing where a professional tester works through the features and functionality of the software under test without a set of test cases. Exploratory testing is often used when there is no time/budget to design test cases, or if the software is simple in design. Exploratory testing with the Testing4Success QA Team can be extremely effective, as our testers have an incredible amount of experience using this technique, and can utilize it to provide a very quick way to find defects in any given software.
Typically, exploratory testing is carried out when the product development is complete or at least near to completion. However, Exploratory testing can actually be of use during the development stage of the product. As long as the feature/functionality is testable, then Exploratory testing can be used to provide early feedback to the Developers often resulting in reducing the time to Dev-complete.
Our QA team will provide you with ongoing communication every step of the way, ensuring that the Exploratory testing is efficient and effective. The process diagram below will give you an idea of how it would typically work. If you have any questions, just let us know!